Monday, December 12, 2011

House Ripples

And then one day you find out there is a duck pond in St. George, Utah. Drive North on Main Street. Where it dead ends, park and walk up the path to the pond. The autumn colors cast a very pretty yellow glow, great for photos or just to soak it in and enjoy a quiet little walk with the family.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Boy Scout Cave

This is our second outing to Pioneer Park. Aside from having to command absolute obedience from our children, because I don't want them falling into some chasm, this is a great place to explore with children. It is free and the area is plenty big for many trips back to see another side of it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lover's Gate

This is The Lover's Gate in front of a house here in St. George (on Main, off 200 South). To participate, you buy a lock, a cute double heart-shaped or other, lock it on the gate and throw away the key.

Side-note: While snapping these photos, I was startled out of my revery by an engine full of firefighters, who of course laughed at me for jumping when they honked the horn.

You Are Beautiful

Pecan Trees and Shed

Sunday, November 27, 2011

California Weekend

Fog with sun.
Under the oaks.
Failed to harvest the mistletoe, but still got the kiss.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pomegranate Jelly

So I asked someone in the know if she knew of anyone in town that might not be using their pomegranates. (Have I mentioned they grow in abundance here? Tons of trees. It's like a decoration or something) She said yes, but I'd have to fight her for them. I laughed the whole time she told of how she won't even let her (adult) children help because she doesn't want them dictating how much jelly they would get to take home with them, and how she hid her pomegranates and her juicer from them when she had to go out of town briefly. Ha ha. Clearly, I have met a soul sister. I don't know anyone outside my parents and siblings who rave about pomegranate jelly as we do.

She also told me there were two kinds of pomegranates here in St. George: the more abundant yellow with pink splotches is pink inside and used mostly in salads, and the red ones with brilliant red seeds inside are the best for jelly. This is the kind I'm familiar with, the kind we had growing up. I've noticed there are fewer of these trees than the pink ones.

I had been eying one tree for a few weeks and gearing up to have the courage to knock on the door and inquire about the fruit, when on my next time walking the neighborhood I saw they had been picked.

I didn't give our conversation a second thought. I know what it is like to love homemade pomegranate jelly. She gave me some tips where to look in town where she thought some trees (of the red variety) might not be being used. And I thought I'd try again to find some.

But she came back the next morning and said she didn't feel right about not sharing. She brought me the most wonderful gift. The gift of making pomegranate jelly with my children.

They loved the experience and may I say, oh yummy. Oh man, that jelly is so good.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finished Product

Aside from words like waif and potato sack carelessly tossed around by my husband, I thought the dress was a success. Everyone had a turn helping, and now I'm less intimidated by the idea of making my daughter a dress. I may even buy some real fabric and make her something pink or purple and be loved forever.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mother Nature

Snow Canyon is about 15 minutes from St. George. The entrance fee is $6. There are plenty of hikes and land features to experience.

We chose two easy to do with children activities. At the sand dunes they dug right in, held fistfuls of sand, let it sift through their fingers, stuck twigs in it, ran in it, fell in it.

At Jenny's canyon they climbed in and through and on the red rocks that made up the canyon walls.

It was this very physical earthy experience. I think we all benefited from spending the day outside together.

The Dunes. Lizard tracks. Sand Play.

Jenny's Canyon. Wall Features. Climbing.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Morning Reflections

Faith and Values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:

I see this beautiful building almost everyday. I feel confident that God loves me and each of his children.

Monday, October 10, 2011

One Man's Trash

My sewing adventures have included jammies and a blankie. I had this beautiful idea floating around, however, that I would like to make dresses for my daughter. Someday. Maybe when there is a stellar deal on material, I will buy some and not worry if I ruin it.

And so it happened one day hubby showed me a hole in his pants. In the past, holes of this kind meant pants in the trash. This time I thought, "that's material."
The realization of a dream has begun. How it will turn out is a complete unknown.

It's been a group project so far. Children have each helped with cutting.

Here hubby sews a button for the center of the flower on the pocket.

Monday, October 3, 2011

St. George Marathon

October 1, 2011

I can't imagine what it must be like to be in shape to run the distance of a marathon. Or what it can possibly feel like to recover from one after running it. We saw runners after the race stretching, some conked out on the lawn in the runners area, some walking around like it was no big deal, and other hobbling about as if ancient injuries were screaming at them. Runners old and young. I don't plan on ever doing this. However, it makes you think about your own fitness goals, and I would like to get back to my old 3 miles a day routine. I would jog out a mile and a half and walked back. Not a bad way to feel good. It's so easy and now that I'm quite recovered from my last baby, I'd like to get back to a healthier me.

This photo is of my niece and her husband. I was so happy to see her. I'm very impressed by her accomplishments.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pine Valley

 We visited beautiful Pine Valley, Utah yesterday (about 45 min. from St. George).

Historic Pine Valley Chapel. The architect was a ship builder, who designed the roof  like the hull of a ship.

 View of the roof from the chapel.

 View of the roof from the attic.

 My favorite piece from the artifacts room. So pretty.

My little ones listening to the rehearsal of the Dixie State Orchestra.
Imagine listening to Copland's "Hoe-Down" from his ballet Rodeo in these surroundings. Yay, outdoor concerts. Oh, and the sound was fantastic, did not get swallowed up by being out of doors. And they actually rang the church bell in Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture".

Want to go next year? They hold the concert the last Saturday in September. Free Admission. Visitors welcome, but have mercy on the hospitable ladies of Pine Valley and bring a dish to the pre-concert potluck.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Son, the Photographer

We went to Zion again. We turned the camera over to our five-year old. We gave some instruction on how to turn it on and off, zoom, focus, and talked briefly about composition and point of view. Later we looked at them together on the computer and had a critiquing session. He deleted ones he didn't like and with his permission I am posting my favorite of the 99 shots he took that day.



 Weeping Rock
